
Seeking a Lawyer?

Our Lawyer Referral Service helps people find lawyers for their particular legal situations. The participating attorneys DO NOT provide free legal help -- you must be prepared to pay the attorney for their service, oftentimes with an upfront retainer. 

If you have the means and the need to retain an attorney, we will review your case to recommend the most appropriate attorney for you.

To help us do that, we need an adequate explanation of your legal problem. In that regard, to participate in the LRS program, you MUST COMPLETE our online questionnaire. Scroll down until you reach the questionnaire.

We have divided legal problems into two groups, Group A and Group B. Our Lawyer Referral Service (“LRS”) can handle both Group A and Group B matters.

Group A includes:

  • Divorce and  Matrimonial

  • Child Custody and Visitation

  • Guardianship and Adoption

  • Wills, Trusts, Estates and Probate

  • Family Disputes

Group B includes:

  • Unemployment, Employment and Workers Compensation

  • Social Security

  • Malpractice

  • Landlord/Tenant/Housing

  • Consumer Complaints Against a Business

  • Discrimination and Harassment

  • Problems with Town or Neighbors

  • Real Estate, Zoning and Municipal Law

  • Criminal or Jail Inmate-related

  • Personal Injury

  • Construction Law

  • Immigration

  • Insurance coverage (not unemployment insurance) 

  • Intellectual Property

  • Business Law, Corporate Formations and Contract Disputes

  • Other issues not specifically included in Group A

Once we receive your questionnaire, we will evaluate your case. If we feel your matter is suitable for LRS, we will put out an advisory to qualified attorneys, who will respond if interested and available. We will keep you informed about our progress. When we find an attorney who can help you, we will give you their contact information so you can reach out to them.

After a brief consultation with an LRS lawyer, you can decide if you would like to hire them at the fees they discuss with you. There is no obligation to retain the lawyer we recommend. However, you are asked  to let us know if you have hired a lawyer through the LRS program or if you have decided not to hire the attorney we recommended.

Sometimes we may conclude there are low-cost or no-cost resources that you should try before spending money on an attorney. We will advise you of those resources, many of which are listed in the Legal Services section under the Resources banner of our website. To access, click here: Legal Links — BCBA .

If you do not qualify for help from those resources, you can contact us and we will we see if an LRS attorney can help you.  

Seeking a Lawyer Questionnaire